
Black Powder and Brimstone

Created by Black Powder and Brimstone

Action packed, rules light, art heavy OSR tabletop adventure game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

TTRPG's for Dummys
29 days ago – Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 02:30:50 AM

Greetings Sinner,

I am on a much needed holiday to prevent myself form more burnout and an early grave, but i still come with good news. I opdered a dummy copy of the book to be made so that I can make adjustments for the colours and font layout to make sure that the book is the best it can be. 

If you want to check out the video of me flipping through please follow th link to our discord, already populated with a fine selection of nare do wells, and my wife.

So just join, read the rules of the inn, introduce yourself, and then just hop over to the general chat to check out the video. :)

Woe and Discord
about 2 months ago – Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 08:32:11 AM

Greetings sinner. 

Work on the book has come to a near close as well as the pages of the Book of Spells!

On another note, the Discord is now live and open. There is also a special Spanish Linquisition chat for the wonderful people voulenteering to spellcheck the doccument ahead of the final print. Its been a real ride, but we are sp much closer to geting the book ready for print. the next stage is geting a test print done to make sure that the colours and fonts look the best they can be and nothing is too dark or small to see at a glance. 

below are some more examples from the book of spells, i hope to see you in the discord soon. 



Update on PDF issue
3 months ago – Tue, Jul 02, 2024 at 12:20:21 PM

Greetings Sinner, 

Ive been told  by multiple people that there was a issue with Backerkit assigning an additional PDF of the book with peoples orders. This was a mistake that should not have been an add on, as the PDF is either the actual pledge, or will come free with every print of the book. So it makes no sense to have it as an extra. 

Thank you to everyone who brought this up, and I hope this will make it easier to sort out the backerkit survey. 

I'm hoping to lock the orders by October, but I will let everyone know if that date changes. The realistic time for the print to be made and shipped is early next year, but! It is my hope to pull off a christmas miricle and get it on shelves and in peoples hands by December. This however depends on a lot of dominoes falling into place including having all the surveys completed soon. So lets see!



3 months ago – Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 01:43:45 PM

Greetings Sinner,

At long last the backerkit store is up for people who missed out on extras, or missed the campaign entierly. 

You can check out the store HERE

You will be getting serveys for shipping addresses and costs in batches over the next week or so, so dont worry if you dont get the email right away. 

I am working away at finishing the last of the stretch goals and will have another update for you soon. 

Thank you again for your patience. 



Post Campaign Setup
4 months ago – Thu, May 30, 2024 at 06:54:47 AM

Greetings Sinner,

I don't have a lot to announce with this update but I thought it would be best to just give you a window into what is happening with the campaign as of right now. 

  1. There is a backerkit shop being implemented for backers and late backers to nab their copies of the book as well as all the extras both phisical and digital. 
  2. I am working on a community discord that will have channels for beta testing the game as well as spellcheck for voulenteres who want to make the book even better and also get a view of the book before everyone else. This will be on a request basis, not a free for all. 
  3. Things are moving with the VTT, I have signed a contract with Alchemy for a non exclusive partnership for the game. So stand by for updates! 
  4. I am currently working on finishing the book of spells as well as the bespoke characters that were unlocked with the nemesis enemies stretch goal.
  5. speaking of stretch goals, I am going to be keeping an eye on the backerkit shop, and if the extra orders for book and add ons do tip the total amount of money raised to the last two stretch goals of more enemies (900k sek) , and a custom soundtrack (1mil sek) then those will also be included in the final product. 

Right now I am quite exhausted after this campaign, moving home and varios other big life events at the moment. So updates may take a little while to come out as I focus on my health, but thats why I wanted to let you know what is going on so it's not just silence on my end.

Hopefully the next update will be about the backerkit shop as that's what I am prioratising.   

