
Black Powder and Brimstone

Created by Black Powder and Brimstone

Action packed, rules light, art heavy OSR tabletop adventure game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

4 months ago – Fri, May 10, 2024 at 10:08:31 AM

Greetings Sinner.

Here is a preview of the nemesis enemies. I know i promiced 4 of them but I just couldnt help myself, so here are 6. I will likely add more Nemesis Enemies in future expansions to add some well known characters to the world and the lore. 

Double Trouble
4 months ago – Wed, May 08, 2024 at 09:21:31 AM

Hi everyone, 

We have cost the half mil mark and you are getting the second ribbon! Colours are going to be dependent on what's available but I'm going to make sure that they match the design of the book.

Another update is if you check out the Add-ons section the Book of Spells is now available as a PDF. This file will come with the book as well as a printer friendly version if you want to make your own little zine. I would recommend the roughest, most recycled non glossy paper you can find for true authenticity. I would also recommend staining the edges with tea to make it even more weather beaten. The Spells themselves will be fine I’m sure. 

To be clear this is not included under the "all digital rewards" wording. Those will be rewards like wallpapers and character printouts. Sorry to spoil these goodies early, I just did not want to misleed anyone with the new digital edition of the book of spells. 

We are closing in on that good embossed cover, and even more enemies in the bestiary, so please share this campaign to your friends and gaming circles! I have more than enough confidence we will hit all our goals before the campaign is over (I myself like to wait until the last 48 hrs before funding because I don't like to be surprised by a payment) but a bit of help in spreading the good word is always appreciated. I’m not asking anyone to spam or be annoying, but if you know an online or IRL space that would enjoy this sort of game feel free to spread the good word!

If we blast past the 1mil mark then there will be more digital goodies for all backers for free!

As always I am supremely grateful for the support and the passion shown to this project so far. Without you this would not be possible. 





Woooah! Half way there
5 months ago – Mon, May 06, 2024 at 11:06:36 AM

Hi everyone, 

We are so close to the 500000 Sek mark that will unlock the second ribbon like the one featured in the fantastic Cy_Borg book. 

I'm thinking of keeping in with the book and having one black, and one orange. I find that RPG books need to be as easy to use as possible, especially for a GM, as the last thing you need when you need to look up a rule is taking a long time to find it. That's another reason for the style of layout, if you remember where a rule was because of the spread's design, it's so much easier to find it again just by flicking through. But a couple of bookmark ribbons doesn't hurt either. 

I really want to hit the 1mil sek mark so I can commision my good friend, and Emmy award winning Composer Tom Brown.

The idea is that we would work on a collection of tracks that will seamlessly loop and can be played for a long time. Then each track would have its own atmosphere for investigation, horror, combat, having a nice time at the inn ect ect. 

As I'm sure you have noticed, atmosphere is a big part of my vibe, and nothing sets the mood quite like music. 

On another note, If you are as big a fan of Gothic Atmosphere as me, I worked on a comic called Talyn last year, providing background art for the amazing Ash, aka Banished Shadow. Their kickstarter just got 100% funded so I highly reccomend taking a look and backing if it looks like something you are in to. 

You can check out the campaign here!

One last thing, If you want to add the book of spells, or any of the other add-ons other than the illustration commision, then be sure to check out the optional add-ons on the right hand side. I think this is best done through a browser rather than the kickstarter app. 

I hope you have a fantastic rest of your week, and stay tuned for more updates!



Spell Books and Face Books
5 months ago – Fri, May 03, 2024 at 09:19:17 AM

Hi everyone, 

I just thought I would drop in a quick update here for all of you wonderful people helping make this book a reality. I have just moved into a new apartment so hopefully more frequent updates will be forthcoming. 

First up, as promised here is a preview of the book of spells!


Every spell in the main book will have its own page, with not only the effects of the spell, but a custom illustration and a little lore. There will also be pages of just lore and illustrations. My plan is to have them printed on very rough paper so that they don't feel like a glossy booklet from a video game, but a secret chap book that you would want to hide from the Inquisition.

 These books will likely be exclusive to kickstarter, so if you want one, now is the time to add it to your pledge. 

I’m taking inspiration from the satanic bibles found in iceland, cursed books oft bound in human skin.  


Speaking of books made of faces, the facebook page for Black Powder and Brimstone is up!


I’m hoping to add more posts to it soon as well as use it as a hub for future updates once the kickstarter is over, a place for players and gms to find groups, post fanart, and come together as a community. 


Stay tuned for future updates, we’re almost to that second ribbon!

